2 Dec 2008

Separate Bedrooms

Since I was a very young girl, I had always thought everyone should have her/his own bedroom even after marriage.
It's not that I had never moved in with someone else and shared a bed with them, I have done a couple of times or more in my life.
But not having your own room for the rest of your life?

Wouldn't you want to have a freedom to choose whatever duvet cover you like?
Whouldn't you want to have a "me-moment" anytime you like?(I'm not talking about self-love here, if you are thinking of it.)
Wouldn't you want to listen to a piece of music you like to make you fall asleep nicely?
Why would you want to give up all the above and more just because you are married?

When I got married to my husband, I asked him if it was acceptable to have separate bedrooms.
"No, Babe. I don't think so."
Oh, okay.
I guessed that's part of being married and sharing "life" with someone.

Sharing a bed every single day wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
It was a bit stressful at first as my husband was a very light sleeper, making it difficult for me to relax.
But these days he usually sleeps like a log and even snores at times.(I was tempted to draw eyes on his eyelids several times but have never tried it. )

However, I was kind of forced to sleep on the floor in my son's room for the past two nights because my husband caught a cold again. I wanted him to be able to sleep well and I didn't want to get the nasty germ from him. Also, he has been wearing the same pair of pants for three nights and hasn't taken shower since Saturday morning. Yaik.

Now I shoud be getting some sleep but I am sitting in front of the computer typing this because I can't sleep.

If I had had my own bedroom, I would have been sleeping soundly whether or not my husband had a cold.