20 Aug 2009

The Summer Beauties

I'm calling it; time of death, eleven hundred and twelve seconds, July 20th, 2009.
I gave up on my tomato plant a month ago.
The herbs have been doing really well in the windowsill trough.
But the tomato plant, despite my love and care, didn't make it.
Apparently, most part of England is too cold for growing tomatoes.
So where do these beautiful tomatoes I purchase at the green grocers every other day come from?
Spain, perhaps? Or south of England, probably?
No airfreight, I suppose.

Anyway, this summer I'm making the most of seasonal vegetables and fruit.
Especially tomatoes. There is no day we spend without a tomato in our bamboo basket.
I can't believe I was buying them in the supermarkets all the time last summer.
The ones in our local green grocer smell and taste 10 times better, and cost half as much.
It makes me content to smell the riped red beauties on a vine as I place gently in the basket.
Oh, the joy of the summer!

This year we've been quite lucky with the weather.
We have enjoyed a fair amount of sunshine.
Even on a cloudy day, I would think "It's at least dry."
And when it's warm and nice, I'd think, "There's no place like this."