20 Nov 2008

37 Hours

My husband had been trying to convert me into a Kristin Hersh listener since, I don't know, 2005 or something.
He had never been successful.
Every time he played her album, it got on my nerves. Something about her voice irritated me.
I like rock. I mean the rock that really ROCKS and blows your mind, I said.
Kristin Hersh rocks too, he objected.

After 1 and a half years of long-distance marriage period, we were finally reunited.
He was still a lobbyist for Kristin. But this time I was able to listen to her just a little, except for my premenstrual period. Just a little.
Apparently, his good friend Rob said he would tell a woman who doesn't appreciate Kristin Hersh to "Pick up your panties and get out."
I'd happily pick up my panties and gladly get out, I thought.

For the past 6 days, however, I've been listening to nothing but Kristin Hersh. .Her solo album Sunny Border Blue and University, with Throwing Muses.
I don't know what happened inside me but I like her music now.
I was sweeping the kitchen floor on my knees to 37 Hours, the 3rd track of Sunny Border Blue when my husband came in.
"Looks like you passed Pick Up Your Panties and Get Out Test after all." he said.
"I don't care about your test." I said coldly without looking up his face.
Immediately I sensed his disappointment was filling up the room. I quickly turned around and said, "Well I guess your efforts finally bore fruit." He smiled contently.
Every marriage needs a little lie sometimes.

But...hey wait. It wasn't a polite lie after all.