5 Feb 2009

Not So Simple

It's been almost a year since I moved to this side of the planet.
For about a couple of months after arrival, I constantly received the same question from various people asking me if I was settling in okay.
And each time I replied with different answers according to the state I was in.

"Oh, you know, England is nice."
Translation: I am not sure if I like it or not. I mean, it's okay but it's not great.

"Yeah, yeah, I am glad I came here."
A polite lie to my father-in-law.

"England sucks."
Letting it out to my closest friends.

"I am not sure yet."
When I was talking with non-British people.

Whatever I was saying, it wasn't accurate.
The thing is, it's not that simple.

Money is one issue.
We would have enjoyed it more if we had more money.
We are broke.
We are surviving but have no extra money to afford any excursions.
Thank god we have no debt but it is so difficult to save money since only one of us is the bread winner.
We spent all of our little saving to start our new life.
Reality bites. And it itches for a long time.

And I am, simply, a kind of person who takes time to adjust to a new life.
I can't say anything about it until I am ready to do so.

Hey, maybe that's what I should have said.

Anyway, I'm surviving.
Although it's still lacking a lot of things, life does feel a bit easier these days.