19 Mar 2009

It's Still Sad

I read online that someone was arrested for trying to bury his wife's corpse in Japan.
Did he kill her? No. He couldn't afford a funeral so he had to face the death of his partner this way.
And it sounds like he's not the only one who was in such a desperate situation.
There were short articles of other people who just left the dead on their futons or abandoned the bodies somewhere. They too didn't have the money to have it taken care of by undertakers.

How sad.
How sad is that that you can't even have a ceremony to see your loved ones off?

I remember watching a documentary about "working poors" in Japan.
A single mum was saying in the interview that once her son needed a new notebook for his Japanese class in his elementary, but she just didn't have a hundred yen to buy him one.
Then the son said, "It's okay Mum, don't worry." and started erasing everything he had written in his old notebook so that he could re-use it.

It breaks my heart to hear these stories.
Yeah, it's not like the end of the world. Things in Japan are nowhere near as horrifying, hopeless or harrowing as, say, D.R.Congo. I know.
But how do you weigh sadness?
It's still sad.